Deciphering the molecular signature of selective neuronal vulnerability in the wake-promoting lateral hypothalamic area in Alzheimer’s disease: A digital multiplexed gene expression study across Braak stages.

Abhijit Satpati, Felipe Luiz Pereira, Alexander Soloviev, Mihovil Mladinov, Renata Elaine Paraizo Leite, Claudia Kimie Suemoto, Roberta Diehl Rodriguez, Vitor Ribeiro Paes, Christine M Walsh, Salvatore Spina, William W. Seeley, Carlos Augusto Pasquallucci, Wilson Jacob-Filho, Thomas C. Neylan, Lea T. Grinberg. Deciphering the molecular signature of selective neuronal vulnerability in the wake-promoting lateral hypothalamic area in Alzheimer’s disease: A digital multiplexed gene expression study across Braak stages. Alzheimer's & Dementia. 2023 Dec 25; 19(S12).


Abhijit Satpati, Felipe Luiz Pereira, Alexander Soloviev, Mihovil Mladinov, Renata Elaine Paraizo Leite, Claudia Kimie Suemoto, Roberta Diehl Rodriguez, Vitor Ribeiro Paes, Christine M Walsh, Salvatore Spina, William W. Seeley, Carlos Augusto Pasquallucci, Wilson Jacob-Filho, Thomas C. Neylan, Lea T. Grinberg