Michelle Barclay
Michelle received her master’s degree in Lifespan Developmental Psychology with a specialization in Gerontology from Louisiana State University. She has over 25 years of experience working with people with dementia and their care partners as a researcher, consultant, educator and program planner. Her areas of expertise include timely detection, early intervention and improving health care quality for people with dementia.
For nearly 20 years, Michelle developed and directed programs at the Alzheimer’s Association California Southland and Minnesota-North Dakota chapters. In 2015–16, she served as the Executive Co-Lead of ACT on Alzheimer’s disease, an award-winning, volunteer-driven statewide collaborative preparing Minnesota for the impacts of Alzheimer’s disease. In 2016, Michelle received an Atlantic Philanthropies and Hartford Foundation Practice Change Leaders Award for Aging and Health. Michelle is currently the President and Co-Founder of The Barclay Group, LLC, which provides aging and dementia-related program planning, training and independent consulting to organizations, individuals and families.
In her free time, she enjoys travel adventures with her husband, walking and biking on beautiful trails, movies, dining out with friends, yoga, meditation and reading a really good book.