The Memory and Aging Center (MAC) is located on the Mission Bay campus of the University of California, San Francisco. Our Medical Center clinic is located at 1651 4th Street, while research visits occur in the Neurosciences Clinical Research Unit in the Sandler Neurosciences Center. General questions can be handled by our main offices.
Phone numbers:
Clinic appointments: 415.353.2057
Clinic fax: 415.353.8292
Research inquiries: 415.476.3722
Location of MAC Research Offices
Sandler Neurosciences Center
675 Nelson Rising Lane, Suite 190
San Francisco, California 94158
map showing Sandler Neurosciences Center
Mailing Address of MAC Research Offices
University of California, San Francisco (UCSF)
Memory and Aging Center, Box 1207
675 Nelson Rising Lane, Suite 190
San Francisco, CA 94143
Location of the MAC Clinic
1651 4th St, Suite 212
San Francisco, California 94158
directions, parking and transit to the MAC Clinic
Mailing Address of the MAC Clinic
UCSF Department of Neurology
Memory and Aging Center, Box 3017
1651 4th St, Suite 212
San Francisco, CA 94143
Location of the Neurosciences Clinical Research Unit (NCRU)
Sandler Neurosciences Center
675 Nelson Rising Lane, Suite 130
San Francisco, California 94158
map showing Sandler Neurosciences Center