Neurobiology of aging

Predicting brain atrophy and cognitive aging trajectories with baseline subjective cognitive concerns in cognitively normal older adults.

Neurobiology of aging

You M, Lindbergh CA, La Joie R, Paolillo EW, Saloner R, Diaz V, Cotter DL, Walters S, Altendahl M, Staffaroni AM, Kramer JH, Gaynor LS, Casaletto KB

Associations of cerebrovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease pathology with cognitive decline: Analysis of the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center Uniform Data Set.

Neurobiology of aging

Chatterjee A, Lee S, Diaz V, Saloner R, Sanderson-Cimino M, deCarli C, Maillard P, Hinman J, Vossel K, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, Paolillo EW, Kramer JH

Associations of Cerebrovascular Disease and Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology with Cognitive Decline: Analysis of the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center Uniform Data Set.

Neurobiology of aging

Ankita Chatterjee, Shannon Lee, Valentina Diaz, Rowan Saloner, Mark Sanderson-Cimino, Charles deCarli, Pauline Maillard, Jason Hinman, Keith Vossel, Kaitlin B. Casaletto, Adam M. Staffaroni, Emily W. Paolillo, Joel H. Kramer

Neurite-based white matter alterations in MAPT mutation carriers: A multi-shell diffusion MRI study in the ALLFTD consortium.

Neurobiology of aging

Corriveau-Lecavalier N, Tosakulwong N, Lesnick TG, Fought AJ, Reid RI, Schwarz CG, Senjem ML, Jack CR, Jones DT, Vemuri P, Rademakers R, Ramos EM, Geschwind DH, Knopman DS, Botha H, Savica R, Graff-Radford J, Ramanan VK, Fields JA, Graff-Radford N, Wszolek Z, Forsberg LK, Petersen RC, Heuer HW, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ, Boeve BF, Kantarci K, ALLFTD consortium

Moderating role of physical activity on hippocampal iron deposition and memory outcomes in typically aging older adults.

Neurobiology of aging

Lee SY, Paolillo EW, Saloner R, Cobigo Y, Diaz VE, Gontrum EQ, VandeBunte A, Chatterjee A, Tucker M, Kramer JH, Casaletto KB

Gamma neuromodulation improves episodic memory and its associated network in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a pilot study.

Neurobiology of aging

Jones KT, Gallen CL, Ostrand AE, Rojas JC, Wais P, Rini J, Chan B, Lago AL, Boxer A, Zhao M, Gazzaley A, Zanto TP

Neuropathology of depression in non-demented older adults: A large postmortem study of 741 individuals.

Neurobiology of aging

Nunes PV, Suemoto CK, Rodriguez RD, Paraizo Leite RE, Nascimento C, Pasqualucci CA, Nitrini R, Jacob-Filho W, Grinberg LT, Lafer B

Multimodal neuroimaging of sex differences in cognitively impaired patients on the Alzheimer's continuum: greater tau-PET retention in females.

Neurobiology of aging

Edwards L, La Joie R, Iaccarino L, Strom A, Baker SL, Casaletto KB, Cobigo Y, Grant H, Kim M, Kramer JH, Mellinger TJ, Pham J, Possin KL, Rosen HJ, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Wolf A, Miller BL, Rabinovici GD

Multimodal Neuroimaging of Sex Differences in Cognitively Impaired Patients on the Alzheimer's Continuum: Greater Tau-PET Retention in Females.

Neurobiology of aging

Lauren Edwards, Renaud La Joie, Leonardo Iaccarino, Amelia Strom, Suzanne L Baker, Kaitlin B Casaletto, Yann Cobigo, Harli Grant, Minseon Kim, Joel H Kramer, Taylor J Mellinger, Julie Pham, Katherine L Possin, Howard J Rosen, David Soleimani-Meigooni, Amy Wolf, Bruce L Miller, Gil D Rabinovici

Transfer learning for predicting conversion from mild cognitive impairment to dementia of Alzheimer's type based on a three-dimensional convolutional neural network.

Neurobiology of aging

Bae J, Stocks J, Heywood A, Jung Y, Jenkins L, Hill V, Katsaggelos A, Popuri K, Rosen H, Beg MF, Wang L, Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
