
Amyloid imaging in distinguishing atypical prion disease from Alzheimer disease.


Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD, Kepe V, Goldman J, Furst AJ, Huang SC, Baker SL, O'neil JP, Chui H, Geschwind MD, Small GW, Barrio JR, Jagust W, Miller BL

Preclinical cognitive decline and subsequent sleep disturbance in older women.


Yaffe K, Blackwell T, Barnes DE, Ancoli-Israel S, Stone KL

Preclinical cognitive decline and subsequent sleep disturbance in older women.


Yaffe K, Blackwell T, Barnes DE, Ancoli-Israel S, Stone KL

Amyloid imaging in distinguishing atypical prion disease from Alzheimer disease.


Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD, Kepe V, Goldman J, Furst AJ, Huang SC, Baker SL, O'neil JP, Chui H, Geschwind MD, Small GW, Barrio JR, Jagust W, Miller BL

Post-transplant acute limbic encephalitis: clinical features and relationship to HHV6.


Seeley WW, Marty FM, Holmes TM, Upchurch K, Soiffer RJ, Antin JH, Baden LR, Bromfield EB

Emotional reactivity and emotion recognition in frontotemporal lobar degeneration.


Werner KH, Roberts NA, Rosen HJ, Dean DL, Kramer JH, Weiner MW, Miller BL, Levenson RW

Emotional reactivity and emotion recognition in frontotemporal lobar degeneration.


Werner KH, Roberts NA, Rosen HJ, Dean DL, Kramer JH, Weiner MW, Miller BL, Levenson RW

Correlates of epidermal nerve fiber densities in HIV-associated distal sensory polyneuropathy.


Zhou L, Kitch DW, Evans SR, Hauer P, Raman S, Ebenezer GJ, Gerschenson M, Marra CM, Valcour V, Diaz-Arrastia R, Goodkin K, Millar L, Shriver S, Asmuth DM, Clifford DB, Simpson DM, McArthur JC

Correlates of epidermal nerve fiber densities in HIV-associated distal sensory polyneuropathy.


Zhou L, Kitch DW, Evans SR, Hauer P, Raman S, Ebenezer GJ, Gerschenson M, Marra CM, Valcour V, Diaz-Arrastia R, Goodkin K, Millar L, Shriver S, Asmuth DM, Clifford DB, Simpson DM, McArthur JC

Cognitive and motor assessment in autopsy-proven corticobasal degeneration.


Murray R, Neumann M, Forman MS, Farmer J, Massimo L, Rice A, Miller BL, Johnson JK, Clark CM, Hurtig HI, Gorno-Tempini ML, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ, Grossman M
