Operationalization of the updated diagnostic algorithm for classifying HIV-related cognitive impairment and dementia

Foley, J., Wright, M., Gooding, A., Ettenhofer, M., Kim, M. S., Choi, M., Castellon, S. A., Sadek, J., Heaton, R. K., van Gorp, W. G., Marcotte, T. D. & Hinkin, C. Operationalization of the updated diagnostic algorithm for classifying HIV-related cognitive impairment and dementia. International Psychogeriatrics,. 2010; 19:1-9.


Foley, J., Wright, M., Gooding, A., Ettenhofer, M., Kim, M. S., Choi, M., Castellon, S. A., Sadek, J., Heaton, R. K., van Gorp, W. G., Marcotte, T. D. & Hinkin, C