Serggio Lanata, MD, MS
Dr. Serggio Lanata was raised in Peru, where he began his undergraduate studies in general science. He later earned a bachelor of science degree from the University of Florida. He obtained his medical degree from the University of South Florida and then completed his medicine internship and neurology residency at Brown University. He joined the UCSF Memory and Aging Center in 2013 as a Clinical Instructor and Behavioral Neurology Fellow.
Currently, Dr. Lanata is the Roland Nyegaard, MD, Endowed Professor in Vulnerable Populations. He is also the director of the UCSF Memory and Aging Center Community Outreach Program, which aims to educate underserved and underrepresented communities on brain health and dementia topics and to improve these communities’ participation in clinical research at the MAC. He is a faculty member of the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI).