Gallery190 is a rotating art exhibition space within the Memory and Aging Center offices.

Gallery190, sponsored by the UCSF Memory and Aging Center (MAC), is located in the Sandler Neurosciences Building on the Mission Bay Campus of the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF). The gallery is open weekdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

When the MAC moved to the UCSF Mission Bay Campus in 2012, we immediately imagined art hanging in the beautiful reception area of Suite 190. Our inaugural art show opened in late 2012 with an exhibition of the watercolors of William Yokoyama. Deborah Aschheim, Hellman Visiting Artist from 2009–2011, has four prints and the A.W. Clausen Memorial on permanent display within the gallery.

Gallery190 exhibits are typically on display for three to six months. Depending on the number of pieces to be displayed, there are additional walls within the suite that may be available for an exhibit.

Contact Anil Vora to view the gallery or if you would like more information about how to exhibit your art in the gallery.

Artists Displayed in Gallery190