
Luis Martinez Roman, MD

Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator

Luis Martinez Roman, MD, MPH, completed his medical studies at Universidad del Rosario, Colombia. He worked in the “Cedesnid” public foundation for people with low economic resources, disabilities, and neurological diseases in Bogota, Colombia. Luis received his master's degree in Neurology from the Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. In the final year of his residency, he was selected to do a rotation in the Memory and Aging Unit at Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau in Barcelona, Spain.

Kailey Mateo

GBHI Monitoring & Evaluation Coordinator

Kailey Mateo is the GBHI Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator based at UCSF. She works with the Monitoring and Evaluation team to provide ongoing support for the monitoring and learning activities of the program and is helping to expand into new arenas, such as evaluating social impact.

Melinda Matice

Curriculum Manager, GBHI

Mindy supports the learning environment at the Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI), both online and in the classroom. She is adapting her expertise as a teacher educator from traditional classroom environments for a "flipped" class and remote learning while also supporting faculty to adapt content for this new environment.

Ezra Mauer, MA

Neuropsychology Intern

Ezra Mauer is a clinical psychology PhD candidate at UC Berkeley and a neuropsychology intern based at the Memory and Aging Center and Dyslexia Center through the UCSF Clinical Psychology Training Program. He is a member of the ALBA Language Neurobiology Lab.

Sarah McDonagh

Sarah McDonagh, MSW

International Program Manager, GBHI

Sarah McDonagh supports the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health and faculty within the Global Brain Health Institute to implement research projects and new grant applications, with a focus on the ReDLat project.

Bailey McEachen

Clinical Research Coordinator

Diana Mei

Clinical Research Coordinator

Diana is a clinical research coordinator for the NIH-designated Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center at the Memory and Aging Center, where she coordinates visits for Mandarin-speaking participants. She graduated from UC Davis with a Bachelor of Science degree in Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior.

Diana是記憶力研究及治療中心的研究協調員. 她負責協調講普通話的參與者的訪問。 她畢業於加州大學戴維斯分校,獲得了神經生物學,生理學和行為學的理學學士學位。

Lyzzette Melgoza

Lyzzette Melgoza, MS

Imaging Core Analyst

Lyzzette graduated from UC Merced with a BS degree in Cognitive Science and a minor in Psychology before she obtained her Master's degree in Neuroimaging and Informatics from the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine. During her master's program, she joined Dr.

Andjelika Milicic

International Database Support and Capacity Building Analyst, GBHI

Andjelika works with the Atlantic Fellows for Equity in Brain Health and Global Brain Health Institute (GBHI) staff to support data-related needs for projects ranging from neuroscience to clinical and social research.

Zachary Miller, MD

Associate Professor

Dr. Zachary Miller grew up in the Washington DC metro area. He obtained an undergraduate degree double majoring in Molecular Biology and Fine Arts from Haverford College. Following this he spent two years as a research assistant at MIT’s Whitehead Institutes for Biomedical Research in Dr. Harvey Lodish’s lab. He received his medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh and pursued medical internship as well as neurology residency training at the University of Washington.

Bruce Miller, MD

A.W. and Mary Margaret Clausen Distinguished Professor in Neurology
Director, Memory and Aging Center
Founding Director, Global Brain Health Institute, UCSF

Bruce L. Miller, MD, holds the A.W. and Mary Margaret Clausen Distinguished Professorship in Neurology at the University of California, San Francisco, directs the UCSF Memory and Aging Center and is the founding director of the Global Brain Health Institute at UCSF. In addition, he helps lead the Tau Consortium and The Bluefield Foundation, precision medicine collaborations focused on developing treatments for tauopathies and progranulin-mediated forms of frontotemporal dementia.

Laura Mitic, PhD

Chief Scientific Officer, Bluefield Project to Cure FTD

Laura Mitic, PhD, is the Chief Scientific Officer at the Bluefield Project to Cure Frontotemporal Dementia. Dr. Mitic holds a BA degree from Northwestern University and a doctorate degree in cell biology from Yale University. She completed postdoctoral studies at the University of California, San Francisco. She and her husband live in San Francisco with their two children.
