Ranjani Shankar, BS

Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator
Fields of Interest: 

Ranjani graduated from the University of California, San Diego with a bachelor’s degree in cognitive science specializing in Clinical Aspects of Cognition. She is extremely interested in and passionate about neurodegenerative disease research, especially Alzheimer’s disease. She now works at the Memory and Aging Center in Dr. Rabinovici’s In Vivo Molecular Neuroimaging Lab.


Head-to-head comparison between plasma p-tau217 and flortaucipir-PET in amyloid-positive patients with cognitive impairment.

Alzheimer's research & therapy

Mundada NS, Rojas JC, Vandevrede L, Thijssen EH, Iaccarino L, Okoye OC, Shankar R, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Lago AL, Miller BL, Teunissen CE, Heuer H, Rosen HJ, Dage JL, Jagust WJ, Rabinovici GD, Boxer AL, La Joie R

Amyloid and tau-PET in early-onset AD: Baseline data from the Longitudinal Early-onset Alzheimer's Disease Study (LEADS).

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Cho H, Mundada NS, Apostolova LG, Carrillo MC, Shankar R, Amuiri AN, Zeltzer E, Windon CC, Soleimani-Meigooni DN, Tanner JA, Heath CL, Lesman-Segev OH, Aisen P, Eloyan A, Lee HS, Hammers DB, Kirby K, Dage JL, Fagan A, Foroud T, Grinberg LT, Jack CR, Kramer J, Kukull WA, Murray ME, Nudelman K, Toga A, Vemuri P, Atri A, Day GS, Duara R, Graff-Radford NR, Honig LS, Jones DT, Masdeu J, Mendez M, Musiek E, Onyike CU, Riddle M, Rogalski EJ, Salloway S, Sha S, Turner RS, Wingo TS, Wolk DA, Koeppe R, Iaccarino L, Dickerson BC, La Joie R, Rabinovici GD, LEADS Consortium

Multimodal Biomarkers of Repetitive Head Impacts and Traumatic Encephalopathy Syndrome: A Clinico-Pathological Case Series.

Journal of neurotrauma

Asken B, Tanner JA, VandeVrede L, Casaletto KB, Staffaroni AM, Mundada N, Fonseca C, Iaccarino L, La Joie R, Tsuei T, Mladinov M, Grant H, Shankar R, Wang KKW, Xu H, Cobigo Y, Rosen H, Gardner RC, Perry DC, Miller BL, Spina S, Seeley WW, Kramer J, Grinberg LT, Rabinovici G