Enroll-HD: Huntington Disease Observational Research

Purpose of the Study

Enroll-HD is a coordinated worldwide effort by approximately 45 Huntington Study Group (HSG) research centers to collect ongoing information from individuals who are affected by HD and those who are part of an HD family. The HSG is collecting this information in order to learn more about HD and potential treatments and to plan future research studies of experimental drugs aimed at postponing the onset or slowing the progression of HD.

Study Details

Inclusion Criteria: Age 18+, HD+, HD-, non-genetically tested members of an HD family, community controls

What to Expect

Testing: A neurological examination, cognitive testing, surveys, and a blood draw. Optional procedures include an additional blood draw and urine sample, and a family history questionnaire.

The Frequency of Visits: One annual visit

Materials Needed Before Evaluation: None

Costs: No costs will be charged for any of the study procedures. Participants will be provided with a debit card to help with transportation costs.

Contact Information

If you are interested in participating in this study or have any questions, please contact the study coordinator Theresa Driscoll at 415.514.0191 or [email protected].